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Existential OCD: A Compassionate Guide to Understanding

Existential OCD is a type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that makes people constantly think about deep questions like why we exist and what our purpose is. It leads them on a never-ending search for answers. This form of OCD involves bothersome thoughts about these big ideas, making it hard for individuals to hold onto their basic beliefs. In this article, we’ll look at what Existential OCD is, how it affects people, and ways they can cope and get better.

Defining Existential OCD

Existential OCD is when someone can’t stop thinking about big questions like why we’re here, what life means, and what happens after we die. People with this type of OCD get stuck thinking about these ideas over and over, trying to figure out answers that might not even have clear solutions. It’s like their minds are constantly spinning in circles, trying to understand things that are really hard to grasp.

Common Themes and Intrusive Thoughts

Existential OCD can show up differently in different people. Some might worry a lot about not existing, others might always be looking for the meaning of life, and some could be really focused on understanding what’s real. These thoughts can be really upsetting, making people feel anxious and uneasy because they might go against what they deeply believe. It’s like their minds keep bringing up these unsettling ideas that are hard to shake off.

Existential OCD: Impact on Daily Life

Imagine you have this kind of OCD that makes you think a lot about really big questions, like why we’re here or what happens after we die. These thoughts can bother you so much that it becomes hard to concentrate on everyday things. For example, when you’re trying to work or hang out with friends, these thoughts keep popping up and make you feel uneasy.

Existential OCD

It’s like having a cloud of worry hanging over you, making it difficult to enjoy normal activities. It affects your mood, making you feel anxious or sad, and can even make it tough to pursue your usual goals because these thoughts are always there, getting in the way. That’s the impact of Existential OCD on daily life—it messes with the simple, everyday stuff we usually do.

Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches

Finding out if someone has Existential OCD needs the help of mental health experts. They look closely to figure out if the person is just thinking deeply about life or if these thoughts have become a problem. The experts check how often these thoughts come, how strong they are, and how much they bother the person. They also see if these thoughts are getting in the way of daily life, like work or relationships. It’s like detectives trying to understand if these thoughts are just curious thinking or if they’ve become a real challenge for the person.

For people dealing with Existential OCD, there are ways to help them feel better. One effective method is talking to a therapist who uses a kind of therapy called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. This therapy pays attention to the thoughts causing trouble and helps the person face these thoughts without doing things that make them feel better temporarily. It’s like helping them build up a tolerance to the anxiety that comes with these deep thoughts.

There are other approaches too, like mindfulness, where the person learns to be aware of their thoughts without judging them. Another therapy called acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is about accepting these thoughts and not letting them control life choices.

In some cases, doctors might suggest medications. These are tools to help the brain balance its chemicals. One common type is called SSRIs, and they’ve been found to be helpful in managing the symptoms of OCD. It’s like giving the brain a little extra help to calm down and handle these challenging thoughts. The goal is to find the right combination of therapies that work best for each person.

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Coping Strategies

  1. Take a Deep Breath:
    • When you’re feeling overwhelmed, try sitting quietly and taking slow breaths. It helps calm your mind.
  2. Write It Down:
    • Keep a special diary. Write about your thoughts and feelings. It’s like putting them on paper to make them less scary.
  3. Do Fun Stuff:
    • Do things that make you happy! Play games, spend time with friends or family, or do activities you really like.
  4. Talk to Someone You Trust:
    • Talk to someone you trust and share what’s on your mind. It could be a friend, family member, or a person who knows a lot about feelings (like a therapist).
  5. Accept How You Feel:
    • It’s okay to feel a bit weird sometimes. Try to accept these feelings instead of fighting them too hard. Focus on doing things you love.
  6. Learn About It:
    • Understand more about what’s going on. Read simple books or talk to someone who knows about these feelings.
  7. Take Small Steps:
    • Don’t try to fix everything at once. Break big challenges into smaller, easier parts. Think of it as going up a ladder, one step at a time.
  8. Get Professional Help:
    • If things feel too tricky, talk to a special helper, like a therapist. They know a lot about these feelings and can teach you cool tricks to feel better.

Remember, everyone is different, so try out different tricks and see what works best for you!


Facing Existential OCD is like dealing with a tricky puzzle. It makes people think about really big questions that don’t have clear answers. But don’t worry, there are ways to tackle it! By talking to special helpers (like therapists), using medications if needed, and learning some tricks to handle tough thoughts, individuals can start feeling better. Asking for help and having supportive friends and family around are important steps in figuring out this puzzle and finding a way to feel good again. It’s like taking a journey towards feeling better about yourself and discovering what makes you happy.

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2 thoughts on “Existential OCD: A Compassionate Guide to Understanding”

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  2. Pingback: OCD: Effects And Treatments | Revoada

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