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Health and Psychology Insights

Unconditioned Response

Unconditioned Response in Psychology: Pure Reactions

In psychology, the idea of an unconditioned response (UR) is very important, especially in classical conditioning. An unconditioned response is a natural reaction that happens automatically when something specific causes it, known as an unconditioned stimulus (US). Unlike conditioned responses, which we learn over time through experiences, unconditioned responses are… Read More »Unconditioned Response in Psychology: Pure Reactions

Elaborative Rehearsal

Elaborative Rehearsal: The art of making learning stick

Memory is a key part of how we think, helping us keep and use information over time. To improve our memory, experts have found different techniques. One helpful method is called elaborative rehearsal. This technique is more than just repeating information; it involves making deeper, meaningful connections with what we’re… Read More »Elaborative Rehearsal: The art of making learning stick