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Top Free Learning Websites

If you want to learn independently from home then this article is for you. Below listed are some of the Free Learning Platforms. Not all of their content is free but worth a try.

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Codeacademy is free online platform that teaches coding in 12 different programming languages. Including Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, and Swift, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS.


It is like Coursera, and provides online courses and certifications. Not all courses are free. Most Coursera courses are free to audit. But if you want to complete graded assignments or get a course certificate, you have to pay.


Cybrary is an IT and cybersecurity online training network offering training courses in cybersecurity that range from introductory to highly-advanced in the form of self-paced video.

Goal Kicker

GoalKicker provides Free Programming Books on C, C#, CSS, Android development, HTML5, iOS development, Java, JavaScript, Powershell, PHP, Python, SQL Sever and more.


It is the world’s largest web development learning platform and is 100 percent free and provides certifications. It provides a complete dictionary for web developing languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, PHP and others.

MDN Web Docs

MDN (Mozilla Development Network) provides free web development resources. It provides resources for developers by developers. is the first fully multi-user programming environment. Where you can invite anyone to code and collaborate with you in a matter of minutes. You can use this feature to pair program with others, create collaborative projects, or simply present your work to others

Learn With Google

Learning with Google provides a variety of free courses along with certifications.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization for students and Teachers. It is a great tool for learning mathematics and understanding concepts. Its all free.

Learn With Microsoft

Learn with Microsoft is also free and is available to anyone who has interest in learning about Microsoft products.

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