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Shared vs Dedicated Hosting: Which is better in Malaysia?

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There are so many server hosting companies that provide shared and dedicated servers in  Malaysia. These are the two most popular servers adapted by users according to their website requirements. Shared Hosting and Dedicated Hosting Malaysia are two different servers that offer different services from each other.

Every company determines their website needs, like traffic rate, data storage, performance, bandwidth, and many more, which are required for growing businesses. Because a better server can provide you with better performance that is utilized by users of your websites.

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting is a type of web hosting where you can host many websites on the same servers. These are the most affordable among all and are purchased by companies that do not need higher bandwidth, security, or disk space. A client with a new website can start his business with this server, as it is not that expensive to buy. 

The client doesn’t need to worry about technical errors and maintenance because these are handled by the web host. In this hosting situation, you will be sharing your bandwidth with other neighbors, and there are a number of other sites on your server.

Features of Shared Hosting

  • No maintenance
  • User-friendly website
  • Technical Support by Host
  • Multi-website Hosting
  • No restriction on Bandwidth

What is Dedicated Hosting in Malaysia?

On Dedicated Server Malaysia, you will host one website on only one server. It is only dedicated to one user only. No one can use your server for their website, as in shared hosting. The best advantage is that you can get more user traffic on your website and scale up your business. You have full control over your data and security. It is much more expensive, and you need to be skilled to maintain it. 

In terms of security, Malaysia dedicated server is more secure than shared hosting. As we discussed above, neighbors are not allowed to host their websites on your server, so it’s way more secure than any other server when it comes to malware attacks, hacking, or any other fraud. 

Features of Dedicated Hosting:- 

  • Secured Website
  • Higher Performance
  • Only one host on one server
  • Higher maintenance Cost 
  • Costly to buy

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Shared vs. Dedicated servers in Malaysia: Which one to choose?

They both have their own pros and cons. The possibility of downtime is greater in Shared hosting due to multiple hosts. But on a dedicated Server, you have full control over data resources, so the possibility is low even if there is a lot of traffic on the website. So if you want your website to work efficiently, then use a dedicated server.

In Shared hosting, you do not need any technical background or professional skills to maintain a server because these are handled by the host itself. But on a dedicated server, you must have knowledge about the server so that you can examine the issues and plan the solution accordingly.

When we talk about cybersecurity, shared hosting lacks safety because, as you know, multiple clients are hosting their websites on one server, so lots of data is managed by one server, which increases the possibility of cyber attacks. But in Dedicated Hosting Malaysia, if you need high security for your data, then go with a reputable web hosting company so that they will manage the break-ins or damage.

A dedicated Hosting Malaysia provides greater control over installation, configuration, custom settings, and server monitoring tools. In shared hosting, you have limited control over configuration and easy-to-use control panels and website management tools. 

If your business has a higher revenue rate, then you can opt for a dedicated server because it’s expensive to buy, but if you have a new website and have your own startup, then you go for shared hosting, which will be affordable for you with limited benefits that will fit in your budget. 

If you need to run your website quickly, then choose a Malaysian dedicated server, as it allocates server resources and thus improves the speed of your web pages and performance.


It’s not easy to choose one for your business website. Opting for one host can directly affect how your website works in terms of performance, security measures, and control over data. If you’re planning to host your website on a dedicated server in Malaysia, then make sure to contact a trustworthy Data center hosting company to rely on. After considering all these factors, choose the right server for your website in Malaysia.

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