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How To Improve Your Lifestyle

  • Candid

Tape a piece of paper on your wall that asks what you’re grateful for.

Maintain your friendships even if it’s just checking in with a text.

Good sleep hygiene. (I have narcolepsy and insomnia.)

If you experience physical pain on a regular basis and think it’s normal because you’ve had it since childhood get it checked out. (My hands used to bleed a lot and I thought this was normal– nope, just needed some super moisturizing cream.)

Keep emergency cash in case you lose your wallet.

Jumper cables and other emergency supplies in car.

Get a blood test that checks for lots of stuff.

Get an appointment with a primary care physician before you get sick or hurt.

Practice “empathetic listening”

only drink water, cut artificial sugar out of your diet, eat healthy, exercise 5 days a week and stop being a crybaby. It’s alot easier to fix your shit then you think you just have to try. Life can be great if you want it to be. You have to deal with shit and process it in a healthy way instead of assuming you’re a victim or have a self diagnosed disease. Happy easter

Make a list of 10 small items that boost serotonin. Put them in a crate. Take them out when you experience overload, episodes of sadness. It’s a good indicator for when sadness starts to slip into depression. So then you can get help early on. It also provides wonderful dopamine with a small moments. It gets rid of existential dread faster.


Have more than 1 savings account. Have an account for rent, have an account for your car, have an account for Vacation. Put a little in each every paycheck and work on having more than 1 month savings in your rent/car account.

Eventually when you have 1 month saved up, aim for 2 months, 6 months… takes away so much stress not living check to check.


write your daily, weekly, or yearly plans and goals. write your thoughts and feelings. write more things down (or type them).
Doing this makes the contents of your mind tangible and easier to analyze and manage. It also makes it so you do not have to remember as many things in your head.


Cardio Sports. Riding your bike, taking a long walk or go jogging. Your mind and your body will pay you back big time.


Adopt a “live and let live” attitude about the world. If what you’re doing doesn’t negatively effect me or anyone else, I don’t give a f**k. I might still crack jokes or judge slightly, but ineptness actually care. You wanna do drugs and ruin your life? That’s on you. You wanna sell drugs to ruin people’s lives? F**k you.


Try and find a few days a month(or one if you’re really busy)

Where you unplug completely, no phone, no TV, no tech at all

I guarantee you see improvements in mental health


Sleep, eat, drink water. Eat good food with the nutrients you need. Drink at least half an ounce of water per lb of body weight. Get eight hours and practice sleep hygiene.


-Regular excercise and gym to the best of your abilities

-skincare routine

-buy a nice shampoo/conditioner, that you use here and there for something different but don’t cheap out

-Do volunteer work if you have the ability. I took up volunteer firefighting and it’s super fun.

-get back into old hobbies or develop some new ones

-Start watching/listening to more educational content even if it’s on youtube but come in with an open mind obviously


Be grateful for what you have. Especially in society these days it’s easy to get caught up in what you don’t have or comparing yourself to others, but there are people out there who have less than you do.

Even if you just sit there and think “I’m so glad to have this coffee this morning”. It doesn’t have to be anything big and philosophical. But it eventually changes your mind set and makes you feel better about life in general.


If you or someone you live with has depression, plan to be depressed. That sounds stupid but mental health stuff is easier to survive if you get in the habit of prepping for the low blows before they happen.

Know there is going to be a struggle to shower during depression sessions? Buy some hospital bath wipes, mouth wash and dry shampoo to make it easier to keep clean. Have trouble eating? Keep a stock of electrolyte drinks to keep hydrated. Struggle to throw away trash? Get extra trashcans to keep by the bed, computer or couch.

If you set up a supportive infrastructure it makes getting through the bad times easier.


Self reflection and exploration. Literally question yourself, why you feel a certain way, why you act a certain way, e.t.c.

It can help you identify your needs or wants better. As well as, aide in identifying problematic behavior and potentially, give an answer on how to correct it.


Make a list of stuff you can improve, no matter how big or small.

Then choose the first thing you want to change, make it something easy like making your bed or something. When you’ve got that into your routine and are doing it daily, get something else that’s just a little harder. The amount of change you’ll see in even 1 year is insane

Sleep. It’s the foundation of your day. Lack of it could even be the reason why calorie restriction isn’t helping you lose weight. The majority of people, including children, do not get enough sleep. If you snore, talk to your doctor. If your brain is racing when you lie down to sleep, learn to slow it down. 

Any one of this or a combo of several:

  • Daily physical activity.

  • Gratitude journaling.

  • Cutting out their drug of choice (smoking, alcohol, sugar, gambling, porn, shopping, whatever it is).

  • Learning a new skill.

  • Volunteering or finding another way to serve others.

  • Belonging to a community.


Look at your friendships in a brutal pros/cons mentality. Don’t be nice/generous about it either… like really consider how much people give/take from you and decide from there if you can afford to keep them around.

Because a lot of people seem like they’re forcing themselves to be friends with people who are nothing but a drain on them and their lives. Just because of the fact that they have a “history” together for the most part, or you might just think the persons cool…. Either way, a leech is a leech. And you gotta do what you gotta do.


Something that EVERYONE can do.

Clean after yourself. If you cook food, eat and then Immediately wash the dishes. If you spill a drop of soda, clean it up instantly, if you took a massive dump, clean it.

I used to be a messy person and my mental health would take a toll coming home to a really really messy home, but when I started cleaning after myself, my home is now cleaner than 99.99% of the people I visit and I dont feel like I do that much of an effort.


make lists!!! stuff to do when youre bored: clean, try a recipe, etc. stuff to do after/before work: xyz. and dont just make them, get into the habit of checking them! and on the topic of cleaning, don’t save it all for one day a week, clean little by little every day as you walk through your house. if youre cooking something, clean while the dish is in the oven or fridge or setting or whatever. it makes things SO much easier

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