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Communication Apprehension: Speaking Boldly

Talking to people is important because it helps us get along, share ideas, and work together. But for some people, talking can make them feel worried or scared. This is called Communication Apprehension. In this article, we’ll learn about what that means, find out why it happens, see what signs to watch for, and talk about easy ways to feel better about it.

What is Communication Apprehension

Communication apprehension is when people get scared or worried about talking to others. It could be when they have to speak in front of a group, have a one-on-one chat, or join in a group discussion. This worry might make them sweaty or shaky (physiological symptoms), have negative thoughts or doubt themselves (cognitive symptoms), or try to avoid situations where they have to talk (behavioral symptoms). It’s like feeling nervous or afraid about talking to someone.


  1. Feeling Shy Most of the Time (Trait Communication Apprehension): Imagine if you always felt a bit shy, no matter who you’re talking to. It’s like having a shy feeling all the time.
  2. Feeling Shy in Some Situations (State Communication Apprehension): Now, think about feeling shy only in certain situations, like when you have to talk in front of the class. It’s like being okay most of the time but getting shy sometimes.

Communication Apprehension

Causes of Communication Apprehension

  1. Fear of Evaluation: This happens when someone is scared that others might judge them or think bad things about them. Imagine if you were worried that people might not like what you say, or they might think you’re not good enough. It’s like being afraid of making mistakes and thinking people might not want to be friends with you.
  2. Lack of Confidence: This occurs when someone doesn’t feel sure about their communication skills and might not think highly of themselves. Picture if you felt like you were not good at talking to others, and maybe in the past, people told you things that made you feel not so great. It’s like not feeling very confident in how you express yourself.
  3. Social and Cultural Factors: Sometimes, people get nervous because they feel like they don’t fit in with what’s considered normal in their culture or social group. Think about being worried that others might not like the way you do things because it’s different from what everyone else is doing. It’s like feeling anxious because you’re not sure if you’re doing things the way everyone expects.

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  1. Physical Symptoms: This is when your body shows signs of being nervous. For example, imagine if you start sweating, your heart beats really fast, your hands shake, or you feel like you might throw up.
  2. Cognitive Symptoms: These are thoughts in your mind that can make you feel anxious. For instance, if you keep telling yourself negative things like “I’m not good enough” or if your mind feels stuck and you can’t really focus on what you’re saying, that’s what we mean. It’s like having thoughts that make you feel worried when you’re trying to talk.
  3. Behavioral Symptoms: These are actions that show you might be feeling nervous about talking. For example, if you avoid situations where you have to talk to people, if you don’t want to join in social activities, or if you’re hesitant to share your thoughts, these actions can be because you’re feeling apprehensive about communication. It’s like your actions are saying, “I’m a bit nervous about talking right now.”

How to Overcome Communication Apprehension:

  1. Get Ready by Practicing: Before talking to others, practice what you want to say. It’s like rehearsing for a play or game, so you feel more confident and less scared.
  2. Think of Good Things: Imagine positive outcomes when you talk to people. Picture yourself doing well, and it can make you feel happier and less worried.
  3. Take Small Steps: If talking to others feels scary, start with easy situations, like chatting with a friend. It’s like practicing with something not so scary first and then trying harder things.
  4. Talk to Someone You Trust: Share your worries with someone you like and trust. It could be a friend or a teacher.  It’s similar to having a friend who supports and encourages you.
  5. Relax Your Body: When you feel nervous, try simple tricks like taking deep breaths or thinking about calming things. It’s like giving your body a break from feeling too nervous.

So, get ready by practicing, thinking of good outcomes, taking small steps, talking to someone you trust, and using simple tricks to relax when you’re nervous about talking to others.


Talking to others can be tough for many people, but it’s totally doable. If we figure out why it’s hard, see the signs, and use some good tricks, we can get better at it. Taking a proactive approach means doing things to make it easier, and that can make our lives and our communities even cooler.

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