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Opinion on Plastic Surgery? – Candid Talks

  • Candid
If it's noticeable, its bad

I dont find it attractive, but I recognise its importance in many circumstances. People who are suffering from injuries, deformities, or some kind of body dysmorphia.

Touch up work? That’s cool.

Medical reason? Of course, that’s cool.

Face looks like it’s being stretched, skin frozen with liquid nitrogen, sunken eyes, and lips have been stung by a wasp colony? NAH



I agree with the lips especially. Who likes that? I can’t even imagine what it feel like to kiss that either. A big squishy wet lump? I just don’t get it


Plastic surgery in general is great. They can make your scars less visible, restore your looks after trauma/burns/cancer/surgery, a lot of different things.

Personally not a fan, but if the person wants it, they shouldn’t really care what a shmuck like me thinks.

Exactly. They aren’t hurting anyone. If it makes them happy then who cares what other people think.


If I can’t tell then it doesn’t matter. If I can and it looks comical (like those huge hotdog lips) I’m going to pass on being with that person.


If the end result could be natural, then honestly nobody’s gonna know unless they knew you beforehand. I’m sure I see a lot more people with plastic surgery than I think and that’s fine.

So that pretty much leaves only bolt-ons (excessively large and inflated breasts) which it’s gonna be a matter of taste but for me that’s a “ew” and terrible plastic surgery which I think everyone has a generally poor opinion of except the poor sods that have such a distorted view of themselves that they demand it.

So overall? My real opinion on plastic surgery is “not my business.”


These rich and massively followed influencers all got that typical plastic surgery face and what I think is happening is that specific ‘look’ means success because many rich and famous people look like that so the industry behind it is trying to promote this ‘look’ as the best face to have.


Makes sense. 1000 years ago it was putting that disk thing in your bottom lip and elongating your skull. Now it’s all about looking like you got stung by a swarm of angry hornets.


Don’t f*ck with your face. It doesn’t age well.

Hmmmm let me think. Do I want to be with a fake person trying to hide something or someone who is comfortable enough to age gracefully?

Hate it. I feel like women aren’t getting plastic surgery to please men, they are getting to please other women and the opinion they hold of each other. And themselves of course.

Now plastic surgery for medical reasons and what not is a completely different story.

I hate it. Unless you have some giant nose or something, or if having kids destroyed your body, don’t do it. Having a worked on face is an instant turn off. Especially lip injections.

I hate it real fucking bad.

I’ve no doubt that there is a lot of it that makes people ‘look better’ or what ever they are going for. But no one should be so obsesed with looking slightly better that they get reconstructive work done. You don’t need a surgeon, you need a therapist and to get out of your own head. Atop this is it sets a terrible presedent for those around you. If a young person has to grow up trying to achieve the type of beauty that is only achievable via (medically sanctioned) butchery then you doom that child to chase something that was never possible and this only happens because someone decided that ‘it’s what’s on the outside that actually counts’.

Human bodies come in all shapes and sizes and imperfection is good and laudable. Getting ‘some work done’ is ridiculous for the individual and bad for the group.

Small caveat in the case of burn victims/disfiguring injuries. A situation like that is barely comparable to what people normally talk about when mentioning plastic surgery and is obviously fine.

That person's body, that person's business

I am glad you asked this question. Why do people do this, if you are unable to accept you for who you are, then you have let society’s pressure get to you and now you either look like a cat face or you look like a baboon. I will pass on anyone that thinks they need to change who they are, just to feel like they fit in society.


As a woman, I don’t think it’s worth the risk. Yeah, it’s relatively safe but in surgery there’s no 100% guarantee you’ll be the lucky one. Being healthy is a privilege so why fix things that is working well? Seeking mental help should be the priority to help them find the real reason they want to do it. Who knows they just need that one person to tell them they are beautiful to be confident.

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